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Showing posts from August, 2011

Code Conversions

AIM: To write an 8085 assembly language program that executes the following conversions BCD TO BINARY . Binary to BCD Binary to ASCII ASCII to Binary APPARATUS REQUIRED: 8085 microprocessor kit, Power supply. ALGORITHM: BCD TO BINARY: Step 1: Initialize stack pointer Step 2: Initialize HL register pair with a source pointer. Step 2: Initialize BC register pair with a destination pointer. Step 3: Move contents of memory pointer to accumulator. Step 4: Call subroutine BCD BIN. Step 5: Store the content of Accumulator in destination pointer. Step 6: End of execution. SUBROUTINE: Push the content of BC & DE register pair to stack pointer. Logically AND the number 0F with accumulator to get LSB Again logically AND the number F0with accumulator and rotate the content to the right four times to get MSB Multiply the MSB with 0A and add with LSB Memory Location Machine code Label Mnemonics Comment