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This blog is just to archive the experiment notes of our B.Tech
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Installing and Activating KEIL uVision

*** NOTE: Click on the images to view them in full resolution Download: Download Keil from the link below: Keil Latest Version Free download with keygen After Installation: 1. File -> License Management 2. Open Keygen from the folder where rar file is unpacked 3. Copy computer ID ( CID ) to clipboard 4. Paste CID in KEYGEN exe, Press generate, copy generated serial and paste in new license textbox of Licence management. *** NOTE: Click on the images to view them in full resolution

Average and Square Root Using 8085

AVERAGE OF N NUMBERS AIM:       To write an assembly language program that finds the average of N numbers and executes the program using 8085 microprocessor kit. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 8085 microprocessor kit, power supply. ALGORITHM: STEP 1: Load HL register pair with a memory pointer. STEP 2: Get the count to B register and clear accumulator. STEP 3: Push the count to stack pointer. STEP 4: Increment memory pointer. STEP 5: Add the content of memory location to accumulator. STEP 6: If carry results increment D register. STEP 7: Decrement count. If it is not zero go to STEP 4. STEP 8: Else move the sum to E register. STEP 9: Get the count from stack pointer. STEP10: Subtract the count from sum(content of DE pair). STEP11:If the subtraction results a carry add the count to the result and get the remainder STEP12: Otherwise increment B register content and go to STEP10. STEP 13: Store the quotient and remainder in successive memory location. PROGRAM:

Block Transfer and Sorting

3. a) SMALLEST OR LARGEST NUMBER IN AN ARRAY Aim:             To write an 8085 assembly language program that finds the smallest (or largest number in an array and execute the program using microprocessor kit. Apparatus required : 8085 Microprocessor kit, Power supply Algorithm: Smallest number in an  array Step 1:             Initialize HL register pair with a memory pointer. Step 2:             Get the count to B register and decrement the count. Step 3:             Increment the memory pointer Step 4:             Move contents of memory pointer to accumulator. Step 5:             Increment memory pointer and compare the contents with accumulator. Step 6:             If carry won't  result  move the contents of memory pointer to                          Accumulator Step7:              Decrement the count Step 8:             If count becomes zero increment the memory pointer and store contents of                         accumulator to that memory location. Memory Location