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Female IEEE-488 connector
Pin 1DIO1Data input/output bit.
Pin 2DIO2Data input/output bit.
Pin 3DIO3Data input/output bit.
Pin 4DIO4Data input/output bit.
Pin 5EOIEnd-or-identify.
Pin 6DAVData valid.
Pin 7NRFDNot ready for data.
Pin 8NDACNot data accepted.
Pin 9IFCInterface clear.
Pin 10SRQService request.
Pin 11ATNAttention.
Pin 13DIO5Data input/output bit.
Pin 14DIO6Data input/output bit.
Pin 15DIO7Data input/output bit.
Pin 16DIO8Data input/output bit.
Pin 17RENRemote enable.
Pin 18GND(wire twisted with DAV)
Pin 19GND(wire twisted with NRFD)
Pin 20GND(wire twisted with NDAC)
Pin 21GND(wire twisted with IFC)
Pin 22GND(wire twisted with SRQ)
Pin 23GND(wire twisted with ATN)
Pin 24Logic ground


  • Simple hardware interface
  • Ease of connecting multiple device to a single host
  • Allows mixing of slow and fast devices
  • Well-established and mature, widely supported
  • Rugged connectors, held in place by screws, means cables can't easily be accidentally removed as they can with Firewire and USB


  • Mechanically bulky connectors and cables
  • Limited speed and expansion
  • Lack of command protocol standards (before SCPI)
  • Implementation options (e.g. end of transmission handling) can complicate interoperability in pre-IEEE-488.2 devices
  • No mandatory galvanic isolation between bus and devices
  • High cost (compared to RS-232/USB/Firewire/Ethernet)
  • Limited availability (again compared to RS-232/USB/Firewire/Ethernet)


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